.WORN N°16. Winter time

Cuando llega el invierno me resulta muy difícil sentirme inspirada al elegir la ropa. Tiendo a esconderme bajo abrigos enormes y jersey gordos. Tiendo a olvidarme de que mi cuerpo y mi mente están en el mismo recipiente. Tiendo a desconectar de mi carne e ignorarla durante estos meses. Pero este invierno me he propuesto luchar contra la dejadez. 

It is really difficult for me being fashionable in winter time. When the cold arrives I often hide myself under big jumpers and huge coats. I often forget that I have a body, and that my mind is in the same place than this body. But this winter I'm trying to fight this feeling. I'm trying to feel myself inside my body, to feel good.

1 comment:

Beauty is in almost everything around us. This is a blog about beauty from my point of view.