.PERSONAL. Ahora SI es primavera en Berlin

 Ayer, cuando Manfred regresó de dar clases en la universidad, nos reunimos en Sofía. Ambos sentimos que había llegado definitivamente la primavera, aunque estuviera lloviendo. Se podía oler en el aire, así que fuimos a celebrarlo a Bar RavalEs un poco puturrú y un poco caro, por eso vamos en ocasiones especiales. Esta enfrente de casa y es lo más fiel a la gastronomía española que yo haya probado aquí.
 Era una noche tan agradable que se podía estar en casa con las ventanas abiertas. En esos momentos me encanta sentarme en el alféizar y observar el ajetreo nocturno y festivo de la calle.

 Yesterday, after Manfred returned from teach at the university, we met in Sofía. We both felt that spring had finally arrived, even if it was raining. You could smell it in the air, so we went to celebrate to Bar Raval. It's a bit sophisticated and a bit expensive, that's why we only go there on special occasions. The restaurant is in front of our house and is the most faithful to the Spanish gastronomy that I've tried here.
 The night was so nice that I could be with the windows open. In those moments I love sitting on the windowsill and watch the nightly and festive bustle of the street.

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Beauty is in almost everything around us. This is a blog about beauty from my point of view.