.WORN N°35. Vampirize

For some time I have been addicted to the television series True Blood. The creators took the concept of vampires/blood in one hand and in the other the idea of sex/love, mixed it and used it as motive for inspiration. Every blood-sex relationship brings amazing aesthetic visions. Every magical being suggests a different atmosphere. Every psychological character profile makes you feel rejection and self-identification in same proportions. I love their way to be frivolous. I love how often you can see sex scenes, male asses, female tits and sometimes some dicks or pussies. I love how honest they are when creating characters because they don't define them by their gender but by their relationship with their egos. (Of course, all this conclusions came because is saw the whole series. If you just see some chapters you may not agree with my impressions).

Is funny how lately I didn't write so much about anything in my posts and suddenly today I make a speech about a television series. But there is a reason: I realize how much I love to create atmospheres and also how I enjoy inside the atmospheres created by others. Now I see clearly that this is what I like to do and think about. I would like to end up working in movie-making or theatre or whatever that allows me to create aesthetic visions and different atmospheres.

When I see True Blood I don't like 100% of the elements of the series but it gets close to my own ideas. Over all, it is about the freedom of expressing extreme thoughts without fear of the public opinion. As a consequence of my addiction I started to search for vampire outfits in my wardrobe.

Still, don't confuse me with a fan of Twilight. Please.


  1. Hacia tanto que no entraba por aqui! Me vas a tener que perdonar pero las vacaciones me llevan a mi mundo y desconecto de todo! Me encanta como has recreado True Blood! Estas guapisima!! Hay una foto que me chifla! Que sales en una puerta vista desde abajo!

    Un beso enorme!


  2. Love the necklace! Fantastic url, btw.
    Lots of love, xx


  3. I especially like the drama of the 4th and 6th images - it's clear that you do indeed have a talent for theatrical expressiveness. It's also the perfect location for your theme.
    I've not watched True Blood, but don't worry, you could definitely not be mistaken for a Twilight fan...


Beauty is in almost everything around us. This is a blog about beauty from my point of view.