.PERSONAL. La Oruga trabajando en su blog

Caterpillar working on her blog.
You see? Sometimes I also work.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to Sweden. I will spend 10 days with my lovely Ladybug. I don't think that I'll be posting in this time. So, see you!


 Ha llegado el otoño. Es una estación de transición, donde todo sufre cambios: las plantas, el tiempo, las vidas de las personas... las cosas suelen comenzar en otoño. Es un tiempo donde el entorno suele brindarme sensaciones y pensamientos, es cuando me siento inspirada. Ahora es cuando hay que sentarse en la mesa, cerca de la ventana, con café y cigarrillos, y enfrentarse al papel vacío. Cuando hay que escribir o pintar, escuchar música o crearla.
 Por eso en este post enseño este par de grabados que hice en 2010-2011, pero que representan mis sentimientos de ahora a la perfección. Los cuelgo para que hagan bonito en el blog y también para que al verlos me entre la rabia creativa y me ponga a producir obra otra vez. Por que la verdad es que aquel año fue increíble. Hice grabados y dibujos y solo ahora me doy cuenta de lo mucho que invertí en crear. Seguiré subiendo más cosas de aquel tiempo porque me hacen sentir orgullosa. También subiré cosas nuevas, porque milagrosamente la inspiración ha llegado junto con la lluvia.

 The autumn arrived. Its a transitional season where everything suffers changes: plants, weather, life of people...things often start in autumn. It's a time where the environment brings me sensations and thoughts, when I feel inspired. Now is when I have to sit on the table next to the window with coffee and cigarettes and confront the empty paper. When I have to write or paint, listen music or create it.
 That's why in this post I show this couple of drypoint engravings which I made in 2010-2011 but they represent my current feeling perfectly. I put them here to make my blog more beautiful and also that when I see them I get the creative rage and I start producing artwork again. Because that year was truly amazing. I made engraving and drawings and Its now when I realized how much I invested in creating. I'll continue uploading more thing from this time because they make me feel proud. I'll also upload new stuffs, the inspiration miraculously arrived together with the rain.




It's beautiful. In this creation each element has been used in perfect harmony in relation with the rest, its contains an amazing balance between minimalism and complexity. The video is just round, nothing is missing, nothing is to much. 

.WORN N°13. Asian inspiration

Olé! que bien poso jajaja este día me entró toda la vena modelística...La cosa más mona de todo el outfit es la pequeña mochilita que contiene Geishas en el tejido.

Oh yeah! I pose like a model hehehe this day I was inspired... The cutest thing in the whole outfit is the little bag that contains Geishas in the fabric.

.WORN N°12. Last summer walks...

Last summer walks...The autumn is already here.

I'm wearing dress from Only, vintage jacket from Cacharel, alpargatas from Hanfhaus.

.ABOUT. Illustrative Berlin 2013

Last wednesday I visited Johanssen Gallery because this year they are hosting the 6th edition of Illustrative festival. This gallery is in a really beautiful building with view to the river and three floors of art. Here I show you what I liked most, but there was much more to see. I hope you like my selection and if you like some artist especially you have to investigate more about them. 

Oskar Rink. 

Daniel Horowitz. 365: Drawing of the day.

Victor Castillo.
Futuro esplendor.

Modern love.

Sam Kalda.
Edward Gorey. Jean Cocteau.

Parc la fontaine Montreal.

Pont Jacques Cartier.

Valero Doval. Playrooms.
Habitación del agua.

Cosmic dream.

José Suris IV. Humming bird studies.
Fiery topaz. Wire-crested thorn tail.

Kate Baylay.
The great Gatsby.

The great Gatsby.

Collection of russian fairy tales: Foma and Erema.

Juliana Wang.

Rats infest. Living in my skin.

Maëlle Doliveux.
Louis Arner Boyd, the girl who tamed the arctic.

Steven Tabbutt.
Crest. Wasp. Kingdom.

Jason Borders. Bones.

Jason Briggs. 
Pearl. Angel.

Fausto Bianchi. 

Gabriele Brombin. The sand sea and the plateaux of mirrors.

Alek Morawski. 
Unka's paradise.

Beauty is in almost everything around us. This is a blog about beauty from my point of view.