.WORN 45. Hundertwasser Cure

 Last Sunday we made a little road trip to investigate neighbour towns. We discovered that in a little-but-cute village called Wittenberg there is a primary school that once was rehabilitated by the multidisciplinary artist Hundertwasser. I enjoyed to find out that his work wasn't next to the beautiful and old buildings but in the middle of a plattenbau ("panel-building") neighbourhood. That's the way he was: working to extend beauty to everybody, everywhere he could.
 Hundertwasser is by far my favourite artist. I like his art pieces (paintings, serigraphs, buildings, monuments, demonstrations and performances...) but what really gets me into him is the philosophy he created based on the right of every human to live happily surrounded by beauty: a lifestyle in harmony with nature and the individual creativity. 


  1. ¡Pero qué tiernina con ese jersey, por Dios! <3

  2. Gracias por escribirme!!! Está muy padre tu blog también!!



Beauty is in almost everything around us. This is a blog about beauty from my point of view.