INSPIRATION Jan Švankmajer...

...the soul shaker, the movie maker.
 In the last days I have been (and I will be) discovering an amazing artist: Jan Švankmajer. Amazing... is not enough word to describe him. Actually, there is no way I can describe him, so the best thing you can do is just watch what I show you; and for further interest click the link on his name. He calls himself a surrealist, but while watching his creations I got the feeling that he sends a lot of messages to the viewer: clear and defined critics to society. If there is surrealism, it takes place in the form but not in the message. Anyhow, the message is neither easy to understand, and that's what grabs me into him: he makes me think and he makes me feel intensely, really intensely. I hope you enjoy this piece of craziness as much as I do. The movie was made in 1971.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 26, 2015

    Uf, qué derroche de imaginación y creatividad. Qué complejidad, a la vez que mantiene una uniformidad en toda la obra y un mismo estilo. No lo he podido digerir todo, harán falta muchos visionados para sacarle todo el jugo y aún así nunca llegaré a exprimirlo del todo. Yo no soy muy surrealista pero cuando algo cautiva, cautiva.
    El gato negro era un símbolo para los surrealistas, ¿no?.


Beauty is in almost everything around us. This is a blog about beauty from my point of view.