.ATMOSPHERE. Nostalgia for Christmas magic

Like the last post, this one comes a bit late too. Today I want to show you the more ornamental part of my Christmas time in Madrid. Lets say the materialist part that includes the decoration, the presents packaging, the table arrangements and some of the food we have eaten then.
The last year I explained it in another post, it is tradition in my mother's house to create the ornaments with fresh plants, therefore ornaments that are build new every time. I thought that last year I was especially motivated but... nothing compared to this year! I think, I made my record in table-centres creation. I enjoyed every day of my holiday so much, feeling how all my brothers were participating with the same motivation as me. We put all our efforts and soul into creating a familiar and friendly atmosphere. We spend a lot of time together, as never before. And it was just wonderful. To my joy was added that Manfred came for the first time and he could discover and be part of the rituals and traditions of my family. Traditions that for me are irreplaceable and really special. 
I have to confess that sometimes I cannot believe my fortune, when I realise how amazingly beautiful my environment is and my childhood was. This time in Madrid was fulfilling and gave me a lot of energy and courage to continue with my own life, far away from the place I grew up. I miss the people that I care about every single day, but I am happy to see that we are lucky persons who know how to manage life, in the path of joy and happiness. Because this is what matters.
In the pictures below, you can see the conceptual Nativity created by my oldest brother every year more conceptual than the last one hehehe. Some books that I used to read at Christmas time when I was a kid - Only at Christmas! My mother used to hide them the rest of the year to keep them as a special experience). Decorations realised by my sister and me. This year everybody was so participating, even her boyfriend made one! There are also some pictures of the traditional German meal called Sauerbraten that Manfred made for all of us. He wanted to show them what is a truly particular German meal. You will see some breakfast time with traditional German sweets too, some canapés I did for the Christmas Eve at my grandmother's house, some presents here and there...
Well, I hope you enjoy the visual information and appreciate the cozy atmosphere that we breathe at my mother's house. The most beautiful and inviting place in the world.

I'm really happy to be home again, but only because every day of the month I spend there was as I dream of... even better. Me and my beloved ones, we are truly masters of Christmas making! haha. Better than all this atmospheric american movies I haven seen along my childhood. I know I am sounding childish but...perhaps I am childish. My child soul it is extremely satisfied.

I hope you also had a special time because it is worth to live life making it special, with surprises and sensations. 

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful report...I enjoyed a lot every picture :) ñ


Beauty is in almost everything around us. This is a blog about beauty from my point of view.