Atmosphere. Cozy, colorful... October

I still have a couple of posts about Mallorca left (which I don't know if I will end up publishing because I don't like things out of season) but I cannot let go October. Days are passing and the season is in full bloom. I need to celebrate it. 
October is my favorite month of the year. Perhaps it's because my birthday is in it. Perhaps it's because of the beauty of the changing colors and mystery of the rainy days. Perhaps it's because "All Hallows Eve" and all the magic around it. Those who know me also know that during this month I feel specially inspired and euphoric. The wild witch inside of me comes to the surface and wants to taste the air to the last bit. 
This year I am brand new mother and I was afraid I couldn't celebrate this time as I used to. But for now I am quite satisfied: everyday I made long walks along the canal and I get mesmerized with the vision of the leafs and the smell of the air. I feel that Fauna is enjoying too: learning about coziness and spending lots of time with the greatest father. 
The few days that are left of this wonderful month will be intense too. Tomorrow, my birthday. Few days after, Halloween. My dear friend Fabia comes to Berlin to spend this special weekend with me. Together with other friends we will make this days worth to remember during the dark season that is winter. I couldn't be happier.

1 comment:

  1. Although I'm used to hate the october, because I'm in love with summer and it seems that at october is killing all the warm and sunny days, your words and pictures made me rethink about my opinion. :)


Beauty is in almost everything around us. This is a blog about beauty from my point of view.